My first sale for Remapping the Human Template is over. My Amazon stats are falling back to earth, although not yet as quickly as I expected. 

It was definitely a rush to hit number one on any chart – even if it was for free books on Amazon Canada. I’m still on Book Bub, now hoping to convince people to buy the book at $2.99 Can. You know, enjoyment increases as the perceived value rises! LOL. That’s a psychological fact!

At any rate, I’m most impressed by the results and promise to do similar ads in the future – most likely when I’m on the verge of releasing book two.

Anyone who would like an autographed copy of the hardcopy can contact me at, and I’ll give you the best deal I can.

In the meantime, please check it out on Amazon, where it will remain exclusive until the end of August. You can make sure the book is for you before downloading by clicking on the “look inside” button

A couple twitches of your finger is all it takes.

So, please pick up your still very affordable copy now at the Kindle store.

I admit that going into my first ever book promotion for my novel Remapping the Human Template, I wasn’t sure of my goals, beyond getting as many people as possible to read the first book of my Gods of the New Wilderness series so that it would be easier to sell copies of the next three books.

I put up a five-day free book promotion on Amazon Kindle and pointed readers toward it using BookBub ads and a promoted Facebook post gently nudging readers toward the book.

The success of that campaign exceeded all my expectations, with Remapping the Human Template reaching number one in the Amazon FREE book ratings in one category (Metaphysical Science Fiction) and going top ten in three other categories (Post-apocalyptic, Dystopian and Genetic Engineering science fiction). My challenge is to keep the momentum going as I prepare to launch book two this fall and book three next summer. It’s a big challenge – but I am enormously encouraged by getting off to such a great start.

Thanks to everyone who checked out the book and supported me in other ways. Hopefully the momentum will continue after that sale ends.

Rather than sending more folks the Amazon link, I hope to direct folks to my author page on Book Bub. By following me there, you can find links to get a copy of the book – and get automatically alerted when the next books come out. Hope to see you there!

And since I achieved much of this by riding on the coattails of one of my favourite authors: M. R. Carey, whose incredible Pandominion  two book series is the most fun and exciting science fiction I’ve read in years!